“Life is not without failure, challenges and pain, however we all still have the option to turn our obstacles into opportunities.”
Paula Taylor
“I believe that when leaders are healthy, they lead others well!”
“I love the fact that Paula is interested in my life and professional goals. She honors her word on a personal level and infuses her many years of experience into her coaching. Working with her has helped me realize that my goals are attainable and inspired me to use tools like writing down my goals in order to then take action.”
- Darlene P. Director/Speaker/Trainer
“Paula has been invaluable throughout the years. When I need strategies, she’s a strategist. When I’m stuck in my thoughts, she’s a thought provoker. When I just need some encouragement, she’s a cheerleader and one of the best! She has a masterful instinct for knowing when to use these various skills to bring out a clarity of purpose and desire that is often hard for me to identify on my own.”
- Dwight T. Author/TedX Speaker Professional Communicator
“Having Paula as my coach has made a powerful impact on my life. I’ve grown in my personal and professional life. What I appreciate most is the comfortable and safe environment she sets in her coaching sessions. This has allowed me to be transparent without feeling judged. She simply listened, assessed, and provided feedback based on her expertise. It was an absolute pleasure to have her as a life coach.”
- Diana C. Becoming The Vision CEO Real Estate Investor